The impact of manner in road policing interactions
Keywords: Enforcement & Penalties
Submission Date: 2005
This research looked at the impact a Police Officer?s manner has in road policing interactions. Seven video clips were filmed, all from the driver?s perspective, showing an officer using different manners while issuing a speed infringement notice. The video clips were then shown to groups of Lions Club Members, Students, Prisoners and police Recruits. Prior to seeing any of the scenes, and at the completion of each one, participants completed two rating scales. These assessed their impression of the officer?s manner and how they were left feeling, the latter included items such as ?feel like hitting the officer? and ?feel like complaining about the officer?. The results clearly indicate that quite small changes in an officer?s manner have a marked impact on the way the manner is perceived and how people are left feeling about the officer. This includes how much they would feel like hitting or complaining about the officer. The results also indicated that people perceive an officer?s manner in a remarkably similar way regardless of the subgroup they were in (Lions, Students, etc.), or age or gender. The implications for Police Officers involved in roadside interaction and police training are also outlined.