Traffic safety education in Victoria: The benefits of a coordinated approach
Keywords: Education
Submission Date: 2005
Victoria’s Traffic Safety Education (TSE) Action Plan, currently based on five strategic directions, was drawn up by the key TSE stakeholder agencies in Victoria. It describes the responsible bodies,
approaches, resources and delivery mechanisms by which school aged children throughout the state are introduced to their roles and responsibilities as road users, present and future. A reference
group, chaired by VicRoads, oversees and reports on progress in delivering the actions.
This paper describes how coordination of stakeholder agency TSE activities enables:
? Partnerships working towards an agreed set of objectives while maintaining agency priorities
? Agreed research to be undertaken and the findings shared
? Maximisation of limited financial and human resources
? Targeted, shared resource development and usage
? United, consistent understanding and use of key messages and best practice
? Effective use of networks and cross agency referrals
? Assistance to other agencies wanting to undertake road safety activities in schools in relation to best practice approaches and resource gaps.
It discusses how the effect of coordinated agency action and expertise is greater than the sum of their individual contributions.