What do children learn at an interactive road safety exhibition?
Keywords: Education
Submission Date: 2000
This study (work in progress) aims to investigate children?s learning at an interactive road safety exhibition called ?RoadZone? run by the NRMA and Questacon. The study?s basis is the theory that children construct new learning through an active process of modifying existing learning. Utilising a grounded theory framework, data is being collected using pre and post visit concept maps, and through interviews and video taping of children?s interaction at the exhibition. Preliminary analysis of the limited data available at this stage indicates that more sophisticated road safety concepts are being reported on post visit concept maps than pre-visit. Interaction between children and exhibits is relatively long and exploratory in nature. Interaction between children themselves at the exhibition takes place in small groups and is characterised by discussion, direction and prediction. Methodological problems have been identified for consideration in subsequent data collection periods.