Behavioural Road Safety Management
Keywords: Fatigue
Submission Date: 2004
Task performance and fatigue during driving may be influenced by psychological factors since individuals differ in temperament and anxiety status. Fatigue has also been shown to be associated with changes in brain wave activity. However, research on psychophysiological associations with driver fatigue is scarce. Understanding the psychological links could provide information for educating the professional driver on fatigue management. We have in our previous research identified the psychological associations during driver fatigue for the development of fatigue management programs. Psychological profiles influence the fatigue state of a person (1,2&3). It has been found that increased anxiety, and negative mood states such as Tension- Anxiety and Fatigue-Inertia are associated with other direct indicators of fatigue such as physiological activity (2).
In can be concluded from our investigations in this area that driver fatigue is influenced by psychological factors and reducing anxiety as well as increasing positive mood states may help control fatigue effects. Important psychophysiological information for educating drivers on fatigue management is now available (3,4). There are implications the for application of neurofeedback techniques to reduce and manage driver fatigue. Such driver fatigue educational programs will lead to safer road practices.