Development of a learning to drive framework for Victoria
Keywords: Driver Licensing & Training
Submission Date: 2016 Conference: ARSC
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: The Victorian Government has made a commitment to further reduce young driver crash rates, and to maintain Victoria’s leadership in youth road safety. This will be achieved through the development and delivery of a suite of education and training initiatives, referred to as the Young Driver Safety Package (YSDP). This includes establishment of a road safety education complex and creation of a practical safe driving program. These are important components of Victoria’s road safety strategy, Towards Zero, with its vision of zero deaths and zero serious injuries on Victorian roads.
To inform the development of these initiatives a learning to drive framework for education and training requirements in Victoria was commissioned by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and VicRoads. This learning framework recognises that young people need to develop specific knowledge, skills and behaviours for them to be able to use the road system safely. The framework also recognises the important role that parents/significant adults and other stakeholders play in youth road safety