Exploring Local Government Challenges in Effective Road Safety Delivery
Keywords: Startegy & Policy, Road Safety Strategy, Safe Systems & Transport Planning, Safer Roads
ACRS, DOI:10.33492/JACRS-D-18-00108, https://doi.org/10.33492/JACRS-D-18-00108
Submission Date: May 1, 2019 Journal
Suggested Citation: Durdin, P., Clark, K. and Draper, J. (2019). Exploring Local Government Challenges in Effective Road Safety Delivery. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 30(2), 55-60. DOI:10.33492/JACRS-D-18-00065
Half of all vehicle kilometres travelled and 62% of all deaths and serious injuries in New Zealand occur on local government roads. The upward trend in road trauma has revealed a growing disparity in safety performance between locally and centrally managed roads. The increasing gap, which is mirrored by differing levels of investment, was the stimulus behind a national project to understand the dynamics of local government road safety delivery and investment. Engagement workshops with local councils throughout New Zealand uncovered an array of common challenges – some of which were not anticipated when the project commenced.