QFleet Client Access System: Fleet risk management via the internet
Keywords: Fleet Safety
Submission Date: 2000
QFleet is the largest vehicle lessor in Queensland, with almost 13,000 vehicles under management for around 1,200 government and government-funded organisations.
QFleet has developed a process for the collection, analysis and presentation of fleet specific motor vehicle accident statistics using the power and dynamics of the information medium of the future ? the internet.
Using the QFleet Client Access System (CAS) via the internet, clients can review real-time information about where, when, and how accidents have occurred in their fleet ? and compare the performance of their vehicles against other QFleet clients. Clients can lodge their own insurance claims directly into the system, while risk analysis information and financial details are added by QFleet and its insurer.
Based on the information available in CAS, clients can make informed decisions about the management of risk for their drivers. QFleet offers its clients a range of accident and safety management strategies including driver training, financial incentives, and regular informational newsletters. Hence, the performance of QFleet vehicles, in terms of accident damage, has been consistently better in key areas than most other large commercial fleets.
QFleet?s holistic approach to safety begins with the provision of contemporary, accessible information and risk treatment and financing options to help its clients protect their drivers and the community.