The Transfer of Stress from Daily Hassles to the Driving Environment in a Fleet Sample
Keywords: Fleet Safety
Submission Date: 2006
It is widely recognised that stress can have a profound effect on individual lives. For organisations,
stress has been shown to have considerable impact on several outcomes such as employee
absenteeism, turnover, and injury rates. As work-related motor vehicle crashes have been shown to be
the major source of workplace fatalities it is considered important to quantify the role of stress in fleet
driving. Previous studies have shown that stress from life events has been associated with increased
crash involvement. Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate how stress from daily hassles (outside
of work) may impact upon driving lapses, errors, and violations for drivers of Queensland Government
fleet vehicles. Participants (N = 247) completed a modified version of the Daily Stress Inventory, the
Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ), and a brief questionnaire for demographic and exposure
information. Hierarchical multiple regression revealed that after controlling for age, gender, and hours
per week driving, daily hassles significantly predicted DBQ scores. This suggests that drivers?
subjective responses to specific antecedent events (e.g., hassles at home) places them in a vulnerable
state that affects their driving behaviour. This is discussed in terms of Matthews? (2001) Transactional
Model of Driver Stress. The implications of the research are discussed, including the need for
organisations to consider the far reaching effects of stress and the associated costs in terms of fleet
safety and, accordingly, address such issues within organisational policies and procedures.